
Entrepreneurial Drive: 7 Traits of a Truly Entrepreneurial Mindset (#3 ACCEPTANCE OF THE UNKNOWN)



The unknown can be scary. It can make it difficult to know what is going to happen or if something is a good idea.

The unknown means that there are risks involved in everything that you do and that everything has the possibility of going completely wrong.

Most people dislike the unknown, making it easier to stay in a job or at a company they don’t like just to avoid the risk of the unknown.

They want the security that goes with never making a change, knowing that everything will always be taken care of for them. This mindset, while safe, will never help them become successful.

Successful entrepreneurs have come to accept the things that they don’t know.

They understand that risk is merely a part of life and they see how those risks will help to make them more successful in the long run. They aren’t scared of the unknown.

Instead, they see it as an excellent opportunity for them to make a difference in their lives.

Entrepreneurs who are successful, also understand that not all risks are created equal. They know that there is a substantial difference between taking a foolish risk and a calculated risk.

A foolish risk is one that is undertaken without performing any due diligence or accounting for the possible negative consequences that could result.

While foolish risks have the potential to deliver a positive return, it requires you to go into the situation blindly without knowing what will actually happen.


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