
Entrepreneurial Drive: 7 Traits of a Truly Entrepreneurial Mindset (#2 PASSION)



No matter what you believe or what you’ve been told, you will never be able to find success if you aren’t passionate about what you do.

Think about it this way; when you continually show up to a job that you don’t like, what usually happens? Do enjoy the work that you do daily? Are you given raises every year?

Are you given the opportunities to advance? Are you given promotions? If you aren’t passionate about the work you do, the answer to these questions is usually no.

For most people, they don’t enjoy their jobs and don’t like to spend time at work.

This results in them not being able to see any improvements or changes in their situation, keeping them stuck in the same position as before.

Alternatively, when you are more passionate about what you are doing, the chances are higher that you will go the extra mile when performing your work.

You will be more excited to go to work every day and be more willing to get things done. You will be much more excited to see what can happen, and nothing will stop you in your pursuit to accomplish your goals.

This is even true if you are stuck working for a company that you aren’t necessarily happy with because the thought that you will one day be somewhere better will help you to stay motivated and keep going.

Your coworkers and supervisors will notice your enthusiasm and passion for what you do, which will lead to you either being promoted or allow you to strike out on your own with the skills and training you’ve developed in your job. 

Without passion for what you do, your productivity will suffer, and you’ll never be happy with where you are in your life. Only when you are genuinely passionate about what you do will you be able to find success.


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